Quick Delivery: We are a local florist, not a middle man! All work is done by us and all deliveries are made with our trucks. We are located in Rutherford, NJ but we deliver to over 50 surrounding towns daily!! When you buy from a local florist, you receive a superior product and pay a lot less! Established over 45 years! Family owned and operated!
This is a really fantastic florist. They are willing to work with you on any price point. Their flowers are always incredibly fresh and last a very long time. This creates true value, I highly recommend.
I live across the river and wanted to send flowers with same day service. I ordered at 9:30am and it was received seamlessly by 2pm. Great Service and product.
Wow, wow, wow! My boyfriend is a flower guy. My favorite flower is a rose and heโs gotten me dozens from many places that were beautiful and came in beautiful colors but I will say I have never seen a bouquet of roses where every single rose in the bunch has opened up the way these white roses have. I mean they are stunning! I am truly impressed. I have been staring at them for days. ๐๐ I will try and post a video of them here because they are unreal. Love them!
I can't thank Carmen and Rutherford Florist enough for the beautiful flowers and bouquets they prepared for my wedding. It turned out just so perfect. I would recommend anyone source their flower work from this store. They are just so great! The price is fair, too. Thank you!